Since ancient times humans have felt the need to go into our origins, in understanding the fundamentals that govern what we know as an everyday life; thanks to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to science it is as we have answers to most of those questions we have come to ask; and the experiments that bring about an improvement in our quality of life. This is how a scientist emerges, this is how the physicist Max Planck enters this fascinating world and allowed us to understand the foundations of the beginnings of the quantum world.

Max Planck, "(..)was a German physicist; he was born on April 23rd, 1858 in the city of Keil, in a family with a good academic level. He entered the University of Munich in 1874", where it showed great interest in physics and the laws that govern it. (Echeverria Garcia, 2015) in 1888, took a place at the University of Berlin, where he continued his study of thermodynamics and the emission of energy as a function of its wavelength; this would take him to 1900, where he published a formula now known as the radiation formula of Planck (EPC, 2010). As early as 1900, Planck tried to explain the emission spectrum of a black body, by formulating thus a hypothesis that stated that "the energy content of an oscillator can only be an integer multiple of the magnitude hv, called the energy quantum, where f is the fertility and h is Planck's constant with a value of 6.62x10-³⁴ J" (BBC News, 2019).

For the development of this hypothesis, the German scientists carried out several works based in classical physics; these in turn managed to further develop the atomic model proposed by Bohr allowing to explain the phenomenon of energy emission from an electron when jumping from one orbit to another, this gave way to the introduction of the quantum numbers I, m and n.

Planck was not satisfied with the results obtained during his experiments because that they contradicted what he had established, because of this he enunciated his formula mathematics E=hv. With this formula the emission power of a black body was set at wavelength function and that they also related Planck's constant, the speed of light, Boltzmann's constant and absolute temperature (Olalla Linares, 2006).

In spite of stating its mathematical formula, it did not respond to a physical reality, due to this he began to carry out studies considering the black body particle as linear electric oscillators, applying laws of harmonic motion and its hypothesis, thanks to this he managed to formulate the quantum theory. (Usi Eva, 2008).
The work of the German physicist, which was later verified by other scientists, allowed the birth of a totally new field in physics. Despite some initial resistance, Albert Einstein and then many other scientists adopted Planck's ideas to explain that light waves also behave like a stream of particles, and that the electrons are simultaneously particles and waves (BBC, 2019).

Thanks to Planck's discoveries and this quantum theory, it was possible to apply physics to world of the infinitely small, a world very different from that of the visible, governed by the traditional physics (BBC World, 2019). "Because of its role in the advancement of physics due to discovery of quantum theory, Planck was a awarded the  Nobel Prize in 1918 of physics” (Irene Hernandez Velasco, 2019)

Max Planck (1858 - 1947)


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